
Archive 2018-04-10T21:15:48+00:00

The Impact of Military-Style APR Caps in Illinois (Video)

October 27th, 2023|Comments Off on The Impact of Military-Style APR Caps in Illinois (Video)

Dr. J. Brandon Bolen of Mississippi College discusses the effects that a recent APR cap has had on Illinois consumers. SOURCE: NILA

The Potential Impact of Military-Style APR Caps in South Carolina (Video)

October 27th, 2023|Comments Off on The Potential Impact of Military-Style APR Caps in South Carolina (Video)

Dr. Thomas J. Miller, Jr. of Mississippi State University explains the potential consequences of legislation in South Carolina that would impose an Annual Percentage Rate (APR) price cap on consumer loans. SOURCE: NILA [...]

Understanding Traditional Installment Lending (Study Reviews)

April 4th, 2023|Comments Off on Understanding Traditional Installment Lending (Study Reviews)

Reviewing Four Important Public Studies Promoting understanding of Traditional Installment Lending and the forces that shape its social, regulatory, and political environment, is NILA’s number one job. Only through understanding the nuances of lending [...]

AFSA Concerned About CFPB

March 23rd, 2023|Comments Off on AFSA Concerned About CFPB

A hearing of the House Financial Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and monetary policy was the venue for the American Financial Services Association (AFSA) recent testimony. AFSA CEO Bill Himpler raised serious concerns about [...]

Military Lending Act Limits Access to Credit (Study Report)

March 15th, 2023|Comments Off on Military Lending Act Limits Access to Credit (Study Report)

A recent report by the Urban Institute, finds that the 2015 expansion of the Military Lending Act (MLA) had a negative effect on certain potential borrowers through reduced access to credit. The MLA imposed [...]

The Illinois Lending Law Disaster (Study Report)

March 15th, 2023|Comments Off on The Illinois Lending Law Disaster (Study Report)

A working draft of an independent academic study of the effects of the 2021 Illinois Predatory Loan Prevention Act (PLPA),  finds that thousands of Illinois consumers no longer qualify for small dollar installment loans, leaving them [...]